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I had the pleasure of working exclusively with Becky for the past year. I consider Becky to have unparalleled integrity, and she has been a game-changer. I received a top rate service!


Becky's attention to detail gave me a more dynamic and impactful CV and LinkedIn Bio, which has made a massive difference during my career transition between companies. Becky's in-depth knowledge in the hiring process succeeded in unveiling and clarifying my multiple core values, strengths, and transferable skills. Becky's interview questions and technical analyses also made me re-evaluate my career achievements from a different perspective. 


Working with Becky has been an entrepreneurial experience. It has allowed me to continue to grow and utilise the multiple resources offered by her Career Transition Mentoring program, all with the assurance that you are in terrific hands as a client. I particularly appreciate that we are still in touch sharing technical information, news, or just a simple "How are you?". I will always consider Becky as my "personal" career adviser!


Angelo - Head of Customer & Business Operations

Testimonials feature on Google Reviews, other pages on this site as well as on LinkedIn

I attended Becky's 'Creating an Effective CV' and ' 20 top tips for LinkedIn' Webinars which I found extremely informative and delivered in a friendly, professional manner; The result: motivated me to actually work on my CV and LinkedIn profile, with Becky's invaluable experience and guidance. Along the process, I also gained a better understanding of myself: i.e. what I wanted in life, in my career, and my focus changed for the better - which we tend to lose focus on day to day basis. I cannot thank or recommend Becky enough, and a million thank you's are not enough!


Niki - Senior Executive Assistant


I want to thank you personally for all your help last year and the support of being there when I needed it, especially when preparing for a 2nd interview for a Legal firm. I have great news, I have been offered the role and the credit goes to you on how to prepare. I was in fact offered two roles and chose the Legal FT role and declined the FTC role. Thank you again


Bhawin - Finance Manager

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